This is a small Circuit for beginners and people who haven't exercised for a while.
Do this Circuit 3 times through, rest for 1 minute after each time through.
Press Ups 10 reps 8 reps 6 reps
Sit Ups 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Squats 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Wide Arm Press 10 reps 8 reps 6 reps
Crunches 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Lunges 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Tri Dips 10 reps 8 reps 6 reps
V - Sits 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Like I said this is just a beginners workout, you can do this in a field or in your garden, for the Tri dips you need a small wall or chair.
Good Luck and let me know how you get on.
This is a slightly harder Circuit for those who aren't at a bad level of fitness. Again do it 3 times through rest 1 min between each complete circuit.
Press Ups 20 reps 15 reps 10 reps
Sit Ups 25 reps 20 reps 15 reps
Squats 25 reps 20 reps 15 reps
Close Arm Press 15 reps 10 reps 8 reps
Sit Up Twists 25 reps 20 reps 15 reps
Lunges 20 reps 15 reps 10 reps
Tri Dips 25 reps 20 reps 15 reps
Crunches 30 reps 20 reps 15 reps
Step ups 30 reps 25 reps 20 reps
There is only 9 exercise and on paper it doesn't look to bad but do it all the way through without stopping, the second time round you should start feeling it.
After the Circuit Rest For a minute, then do this Sit Up Circuit.
Sit ups Do 10 reps of each all the way
Sit Up Twist through without stopping.
1/2 Sits
Alt Ankle taps
Cycling Twist