26 May 2011


There are many natural weight loss programs out there and are also new weight loss ones coming out daily so to get your weight loss help where do you turn to ?
With so many promising you that you'll lose weight and don't actually work who which ones do you go for ?
What they don't tell you is you do have to do some exercise when you take these pills you can't just take them and expect weight loss straight away and another thing is you need to look at what your eating and go for a healthy diet.
I have used a product that I think is worth a write up on as I have managed to lose a stone in weight over a period of 8 weeks gradually. I ate healthy and followed the program as it comes with a book and you can also access it on the website so you can put your results in there to see how your doing. This isn't a new weight loss program as i'm aware of but its a natural weight loss program that may give you some weight loss help.

The product was called F.I.T it contains :

3 x 1 litre bottles of Aloe Vera Gel or Aloe Berry Nectar
2 x Vanilla or Chocolate Forever Lite Ultra 525g each
Garcinia Plus 70 softgel capsules
Forever Active Probiotic 30 beadlets
Forever Lean 120 capsules
Literature Items

Which is pretty good considering what you get for your money.

Aloe Vera Gel Drink -
  •  Great for your immune system 
  • Maintaining a healthy digestive system
  • Healthy Energy Levels
Forever Lite -
  • 2 Drinks a day provide 100% RDA vitamins and minerals
  • A great meal replacement
Forever Lean-
  • Helps block the absorption of calories from fat and carbohydrates
  • Chromium helps the body regulate blood sugar for a normal metabolism
  • Temporarily inhibits the body's absorption of calories from sugar
Forever Garcinia Plus -
  • An effective supplement in weight management
  • Helps with healthy hair, nails and skin
  • May help lower cholesterol
Forever Probiotic-
  • Promotes a healthy digestive system
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and immune function
  • Unique combination of six beneficial strains of microbes
  • No refrigeration needed
F.I.T is designed to help you achieve a comprehensive knowledge of how to live your life free of yo-yo dieting, unhealthy eating and other nutritional and fitness misconceptions. This programme follows on from the Clean 9 and is a lifestyle change to help you achieve a realistic balance for a lifetime of healthy living.
I feel this is a great natural weight loss program that you could benefit from and give you the weight loss help you need.

20 May 2011

Aloe Vera the Truth

Aloe Vera is well known for its many benefits but how much of it is true?
I came across some Aloe Vera tonic drinks back in 2012 in my mums fridge and asked the question, "What are these?" she went on to tell me about how good they were and how many nutrients were in them. Now I'm not going to bore you with the details all I will do is let you read the articles below to see for yourself and make your own decision.
After you have read them I'll go on to tell you some more about it below.

Extract from 'Look' Magazine, 5th November 2007

"Victoria Beckham has embarked on a hardcore diet and fitness regime in a bid to lose 4lb. and get in shape for the Spice Girls tour.
The 33-year-old is determined to be as fit as Sporty and Scary, who are the most athletic members of the band, and has started drinking Aloe Vera juice and five cups of green tea a day.....
Nutritionist Sue Norton says: "LA women are always trying out the latest diet fads. But Aloe Vera is hailed as a superfood due to its combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It's thought to help the circulation and digestion, and can increase energy levels.
It can even help with the skin problems Victoria suffers from if applied directly to the skin......"
Extract from 'Look' magazine, 5th November 2007

These are just a few snippets of these products and the benefits they give so for more information on the products and the benefits they could give visit www.healthycravens.co.uk

Aloe Vera Drink

Aloe Vera Gel contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals, including the rare vitamin B12 - one of only two vegetable sources available. This makes 

Aloe Vera Gel a vital supplement for vegetarians and vegans. Folic acid, recommended by the Department of Health for all women planning a pregnancy, is also found naturally in the gel. Together it provides seven essential amino acids which are directly linked to cell growth, and which cannot be manufactured within the body from other sources.

There are so many nutrients in this drink, one thing is certain - Aloe Vera Gel has had a profoundly positive influence on the health and lifestyle of many.

At a glance...

• Maintains a healthy digestive

• Maintains energy levels

• Can be used as a daily
nutritional drink

• Balances the immune system

• Keeps for 5 years unopened –
3 months once opened (if kept

This is just one of many great products they sell at Forever Living so why not check out more at www.healthycravens.co.uk

24 Jan 2011

Home Made Recovery Drink

A higher-fiber alternative to plain milk, this smoothie doubles as a smart breakfast or a milk shake-like treat. One serving of the smoothie contains 315 milligrams of calcium, roughly the same amount as a glass of milk. Freeze and store extra bananas in zip-top plastic bags so you can whip up this smoothie in a flash.
Yield: 2 servings (serving size: 1 cup)


  • 1  cup  sliced ripe banana (about 1 large)
  • 1  cup  vanilla low-fat yogurt
  • 1/2  cup  1% low-fat milk
  • 2  tablespoons  whole wheat graham cracker crumbs (about 1/2 cookie sheet)
  • 1  tablespoon  nonfat dry milk
  • 1/2  teaspoon  vanilla extract
  • 3  ice cubes (about 1/4 cup)
  • Graham cracker crumbs


Arrange banana slices in a single layer on a baking sheet, and freeze until firm (about 1 hour).
Place frozen banana and remaining ingredients in a blender. Process until smooth. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Information

216 (12% from fat)
2.8g (sat 1.5g,mono 0.8g,poly 0.3g)

16 Jan 2011

Military Fitness Requirements

Military Fitness levels are inside your grasp if you can put your mind to it !
If your considering joining the Armed Forces you may want to read the rest of this article to gain a bit of knowledge on what is required to pass the fitness tests.
Lets start with the Basic Army Entrance requirements :
The fitness requirement consists of a 1.5 mile run that must be completed according to the time set for the particular Regiment/Corps that you are intending to join. The times range from 14 mins 30 secs down to 9 mins 18 secs and goes on what Reg/ Corps your intending to join.
Now the Army Basic Training Fitness requirements :
Complete a 12.8 km loaded march. Depending on which Corps or Reg you join you'll be carrying a weight of between 15 kg - 25 kg and must be completed within 2hrs and no less than 1hr 55 mins so not much scope for error there. This will include your weapon, helmet and body armour.
Aerobic Test - Starts with an 800 m walk / jog completed as a squad in a time of 4mins 50 secs and max of 5 mins. Immediately followed by a 1.5 mile run completed in the times below depending on gender and age....

Complete in
29 and under10 mins 30 secs
30-3411 mins
35-3911 mins 30 secs
40-4412 mins
45-4912 mins 30 secs
50-5413 mins 30 secs

29 and under13 mins
30-3413 mins 30 secs
35-3914 mins
40-4414 mins 30 secs
45-4915 mins
50-5416 mins

 Press Ups - 
This is completed in a time frame of 2 mins and again depends on your gender and age .......
AgeNo of Press-Ups
29 and under44
29 and under21

Sit Ups -
Again in a time frame of 2 mins and depends on age and gender.
AgeNo of Sit Ups
29 and under50

 Next we will go on to the RAF Entrance Fitness Requirements - 

The basic military fitness test for the RAF is a 1.5 mile run on a treadmill which needs to be completed within 12 mins and 12 secs for men and 14 mins 35 secs for women.
You may also be required to complete a beep test and do as many press-ups and sit-ups as you can do in a minute but you will be given more information on what you are expected to do when you apply.
RAF Basic Training Fitness Requirements -  This has to be completed every six months and consists of 3 parts, Press Ups, Sit Ups and a Beep Test at the required levels and reps depending on age and gender.
Press Ups are completed in a time of 1 minute and the number depends on your age and gender.......
AgeNo of Press-Ups
Under 1719

Under 179
Sit Ups - These are performed in 2 minutes and the amount of reps you do depends on your gender and age.....
AgeNo of Sit-Ups
Under 1732

Under 1729

Beep Test - The level you need to achieve depends on your age and gender.
AgeBeep test score
Under 179.04 -10.09
17-299.10 -11.06
30-349.04 - 10.10
35-398.09 - 10.03
40-448.03 - 9.09
45-497.07 - 9.02

Under 176.07 - 7.09
17-297.02 - 8.06
30-346.08 - 7.10
35-396.04 - 7.04
40-445.08 - 6.08
45-495.04 - 6.02
Lets move to the Royal Navy Entrance Fitness requirements -

The pre-joining fitness test for the Royal Navy is a 1.5 mile run on a treadmill in the times specified below depending on your age and gender - 

15 – 24 12 min 20 secs
25 – 29 12 min 48 secs
30 – 34 13 min 18 secs
35 – 39 13 min 49 secs

Women: 15 – 24 14 min 35 secs
25 – 29 15 min 13 secs
30 – 34 15 min 55 secs
35 – 39 16 min 40 secs

Whilst in training you will have to pass the Royal Navy Fitness Test which consists of an 800m run which is completed as a squad in a time of under 5mins followed by a 1.5 mile run in a set time laid out below

AgeTime (mins)
You have also various other fitness test to clear before passing out, like the Assault Course, Obstacle Course a swimming test a PT session with press ups, sit ups, shuttle runs. So be prepared !

The Royal Marines Entrance Fitness Requirements are in 2 stages, First you have to do 1.5 mile run on a treadmill in under 10 mins then you will then be going to Lympstone for 3 days to complete various tests which will consist of - A three mile run completed in two parts first a squad run of 1.5 miles completed in 12.5 mins then a 1.5 mile personal best run which has to be completed in no less than 10.5 mins otherwise you fail PRMC.

A Bleep Test - expected to reach Level 11
Stress Tests - 
                      60 press ups in 2 mins
                      2 mins rest
                      80 sit ups in 2 mins
                      2 mins rest
                      A minimum of 6 pulls ( full pull ups arms shoulder width apart from full hang to chest touching the bar)

Gym tests - five tests lasting 3 minutes
An Assault Course to be completed in 4 minutes
During the three days you will also be tested on your strength of mind to examine your determination, endurance and attitude. There is also a rope test to see how you are with ropes.

I hope this gives you some idea of what is expected of you when you join any of the British Forces good luck to you all.
If you want more information on joining any of the Armed Forces above then look for the link to the main site on this blog.