30 Sept 2010

Best Lower Ab Workout - How to Blast the Lower Abs

Finding the best lower ab workout is not always an easy thing to do. It can be frustrating to keep trying to work the lower abs if you feel like you are not doing it right.
In this article, you will learn what it takes to have the best lower ab workout around.
Before we get into 3 exercises, it is important that you understand some basics about training the lower abs.

The first thing that you should understand is that just working the lower abs will not result in losing fat in that area. In order to lose fat in that area, you need to lose fat all over your body. This is how basic fat loss works. If you have a lot of fat to lose, then the best lower ab workout in the world won't do the trick all by itself. The same goes for someone who just has to lose the last few pounds.

The good news is that doing a great ab workout safely and effectively will help to strengthen your core, as well as tone those muscles up for when you are in the single digits with body fat percentage =)

Losing fat all over your body requires that you do the right combination of strength training (don't worry you will not get big and bulky), a special type of cardio called interval training, and most important, have a great diet.

Once you have those things under control, your fat loss efforts will be guaranteed.
But you came to this page looking for the best lower ab workout around, so here are a few exercises you can try right now.

Remember that training your abs is different than training other muscles. If you were working your biceps, you might try doing 3 sets of 10 reps for a few different exercises. For your lower abs, you will want to do a special sequence of exercises with little rest in between. This is called abdominal circuit training.
Here are some of the best lower ab exercises to try:

1. Alternating Supine Leg Walks

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.
Then, lower 1 leg so your foot is a few inches from the ground. Hold there for about 1 second, then return that leg to the starting position. Alternate which leg you lower.
Try a reps and really try to feel the lower abs working.

2. Supine Reverse Crunches

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical, then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.
Keeping your knees bent at the same angle, slowly lower them until the back of your feet are a few inches above the ground. Then, bring your knees up towards your chest and really squeeze your abs while doing this.

3. Leg Lifts

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical.
Contract your midsection by engaging the upper abs.
Then, lower both legs so that the back of your feet are right above the ground. After holding that position for a few second, return your legs to the vertical position.

All three of those exercises are part of getting the best ab workout possible. If you have any lower back problems at all, you should not hesitate to see a doctor for exercise advice. Now you know the basic components of having one of the best lower ab workouts. Remember your safety comes first!

Good luck, and remember to keep learning and stay persistent. =)
Want to learn the truth behind some of the biggest myths in diet, exercise, and weight loss? Check out my blog here athttp//www.TheGreatCardioMyth.com.

How To Lose Belly Fat With A 10 Minute Workou

Are you looking to change the shape of your body or trying to lose belly fat without joining a high priced gym? If so, try this high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that that was developed by Keli Roberts.
With this 10 minute exercise routine you can burn up to 150 calories every single day.

The first two minutes of this fat burning routine is: Jump Rope - Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the balls of your feet (that is the upper part of the bottom of your foot). Keep thinking I am losing weight.

Minutes two to three: Squat Thrust into a Push Up. The proper technique for this exercise is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. Slowly squat down with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one movement, push your legs back and out behind you (into a pushup position). Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back up. Keep thinking, the fat is vanishing.

Minutes three to four: Jump Rope with only one jump per turn. Keep thinking, The fat is melting away.

Minutes four to five: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Side Plank. After completing your squat thrust and push up, you are going to lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. And you will rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Keep thinking, no more belly.

Minutes five and six: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. keep thinking, I am losing body fat.

Minutes six and seven: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Lower your foot and repeat on the other side. Hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again. Keep thinking, goodbye belly.

Minutes seven and eight: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my belly is getting smaller.

Minutes eight and nine: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add  Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in minutes two and three only this time after your push up, you will quickly jog in place from your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation. Perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. Keep thinking, I am going to lose weight.

Minutes nine and ten: Jump Rope. Same as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this everyday, I will lose belly fat. Good luck to everyone.

We recommend using a soft padding such as a yoga mat when performing this exercise. This will cut down on any injury and save some of those knee joints for you. If you need more information on gym mats and yoga mats, please visit Ultimate Fitness Equipment - for all of your fitness needs.

29 Sept 2010


Over the last few years the lemonade diet has steadily increased in popularity, even more so due to several celebrity endorsements. But what exactly is this diet and how does it work? The fundamentals are really quite simple so I'll try to answer these questions and hopefully clear up any confusion or misconceptions.
The lemonade diet, also referred to as the master cleanse, was developed in 1941 by a proponent for natural living, Stanley Burroughs. Burroughs described his detoxification program as a cleansing and weight loss diet that eliminates harmful toxins, increases energy, cures ulcers and offers a host of other healthful benefits.

Lemonade Diet Basics

The basic steps to this popular diet involve drinking fresh-squeezed organic lemons, water, organic maple syrup and organic cayenne pepper. This is consumed consecutively for 10 or more days without food. Additionally, a daily salt water flush and/or an herbal laxative tea are also advised.
The lemons provide citrus juice for it's cleansing properties, the pure maple syrup supplies numerous minerals and vitamins while the cayenne pepper not only provides many b and c vitamins but also loosens mucous and warms the body. The salt water flush and herbal tea help the colon evacuate unwanted debris.
Approximately 6-12 glasses of lemonade are consumed per day. After the third day or so, the digestive system shuts down and the body goes about the business of removing toxins. On the eleventh day, the fast is broken with fresh, organic orange juice.

Benefits of the Lemonade Diet

Besides being an effective aid in weight loss and ridding the body of accumulated toxins, the benefits of this diet have been linked to decreased cravings for many harmful substances and habits, such as alcohol and other drugs, caffeine, tobacco and over-eating.
The diet has also been shown to eliminate excess mucous and congestion, improve concentration, clear up skin conditions and alleviate or reverse the symptoms of many chronic illnesses.

Lemonade Diet Alternative

However, many people find it difficult to follow the diet as prescribed. Not eating solid food for 10 days or more takes a lot of discipline and can cause a variety of unpleasant side effects. Many people lack the time to prepare all the ingredients several times a day. For this reason, a lemonade diet pill was developed which offers the same benefits but must still be coupled with a specific meal plan and exercise program.
Whether you choose to go with the more stringent rules of the original program or the easier modern day supplement alternative, you are sure to benefit from the wonderful effects of this highly effective diet.

Are you ready to cleanse and rejuvenate your body and lose those extra pounds quickly and easily? See my site for more information on the lemonade diet and supplements, but be prepared for a new and improved you!

28 Sept 2010

Muscle Building Tips For Skinny Guys

The main reason why skinny guys fail to gain muscle is simply because there is so much bad information within the fitness world and they don't really know on what to focus on to get the best results.

There are so many muscle building articles, magazines, videos and training programs all over the internet that were created by professional bodybuilders or guys who've been training for a very long period of time.

The fact is that what works for them will not always work for a skinny guy who is just starting out.
Only think about it.
The professional bodybuilders only eat, train and sleep. Bodybuilding is their life and their advice is useful for them, not for you.

In order to start gaining muscle right now you need to focus on the basic stuff. The exercises and eating plans that were working ten, twenty, thirty, forty years go. There's no need for you to reinvent the wheel. All you need to do now is focus on the basics and move one step at a time.
Here are five muscle building tips for skinny guys:

Have a clear goal of gaining the maximum amount of muscle

Different goals in fitness require completely different approaches to training and nutrition. A guy who wants to tone up his abs will need to follow a completely different eating and training plan than a guy who wants to gain the maximum amount of muscle.

Increase your daily caloric intake

The fact is that in order to get bigger you first of all need to provide your body with more energy and the only source of energy for your body are calories you get from the food.

Follow a protein rich diet

Increasing your daily caloric intake without proper planning will only get you fat. Make sure you follow a protein rich diet, because your body needs a lot of proteins to help your muscles to recover and grow. Proteins are building blocks of everything within your body.

Train at least three times per week

In order to stimulate muscle growth you've got to train at least three times per day. After 72 hours without training your body enters catabolic state.

Focus on basic compound exercises

Finally one of the most important things you need to do in order to gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest period of time is to focus on the most effective muscle building exercises that have been proven and tested by time.
Click here to download your free muscle building report where you'll learn more advanced training strategies as well as step by step advice on how to eat and what supplements to get to gain the maximum amount of muscle!