While some people gain muscle at a drop of a hat, others require lots of effort to gain a tiny bit of muscle. Skinny people are a reality of life. They do not necessarily suffer from lack of appetite. In fact, some skinny people around eat a lot at the dining table, even more than their bulky friends. The reason why they can hardly gain weight is that their metabolism is like some rocket that their bodies can't keep up. Which means whatever they eat gets digested immediately.
If your reading thisand your a skinny guy wishing to have a sexy body with trimmed muscles, you need to look at a few things first,
Balance your eating
Balance your exercise
So eating should be your top priority since its the only way you can gain weight !
So to help build muscle you need to incorporate:
Into your diet.
You can do this by eating lots of
Dairy products.
Include plenty of veggies and fruits also as they have necessary protein to ignite muscle development.
Drink lots of WATER to retain the nutrients found in your diet. Those nutrients are essential in keeping your metabolism and digestion at a healthy pace. You would also need those vitamins to power you up when working out. Buy supplements rich in calcium and Vitamin C, A, and D in order to keep your bones active and strong even on intense activities.
When doing exercises on how to build muscle mass, make sure that you amplify the intensity each time you perform a specific workout.
Tire your muscles with repetitions because tired muscles have the most tendency to grow. Pay attention to every major muscle group to make sure not a single muscle group is left out. Your legs should gain muscle as much as your biceps. This makes for nice proportions and well built.
Don't workout on a day to day basis.
Give yourself some REST as it is needed in order to allow the bones and muscles to breathe.
Rest is a good way to spur muscle growth and make room for more muscles. Sleep well and tight, making sure you don't go below eight hours a day. Good, sufficient sleep is a good way on how to build muscle mass.
Never expect miracles any time you start on the numerous muscle building workouts.
One thing you have to note is that it is not the workouts that give the muscles. All that the workouts do is to give your muscles the stimulus it requires and the growth only comes with a lot of adequate rest. This will also not be very effective without the required nutrition and hydration conditions. However it will be very good if we examine the issue about muscle building workouts.
A lot of people have come to believe that in order to build your muscles, the only way is to use those numerous machines at the gym but this is not the case. If you want to build muscle, you have to use the compound exercises that come with free weights. Some people also call this kind of training the hardcore training.
These days there is an array of muscle building exercises that have flooded the market of body building. What is common about these exercises is the fact that they are targeted to a particular muscle group and are also derived from one or more of the basic body building techniques. It has therefore become quite difficult to select the most effective of all these. You must ensure that you only try out those muscle building exercises that have been proven over the years to help your muscles grow stronger.
Indeed one of the muscle building exercises that has stood the test of time is the compound exercises. These exercises will greatly help in increasing your muscular strength and also put a lot of muscles on your feet. While they may not be that exciting, they are one of the basic free weight exercises that are very effective.
Another one is the pull-ups that are sure going to make your upper body very strong especially the shoulders. Apart from the fact that this exercise builds the shoulders, it also stimulates some other parts of the body and some of the joints. It therefore helps in inducing muscle growth in more than one muscle group.
Up next, another thing you have to note about these muscle building exercises is the fact that for whichever one that you decide to do, it should be totally based on your goals. This is because what may have worked out for a friend may not be that effective for you. Therefore take time to choose the best one that will suit your muscle growing needs and get to work at it.
Some of the basic muscle building exercises include among others alternating:
Dumbbell curls,
Barbell curls,
Weighted step ups,
Lying triceps press,
Barbell squat,
Barbell shrugs as well as Bench press.
Others will include:
Stiff legged dead lift,
Barbell rows,
Incline press,
Standing barbell shoulder press,
Seated DB shoulder press in addition to overhead triceps extensions.
The good thing about these exercises is that you could combine them to get the maximum results out of it in an effective manner. However, it is also possible to do them in isolation in which case they should be done with the heaviest weight possible. If in case the exercise restrains you from intense motion, then it will really not allow you to train heavy enough.
In order to make your muscle building workouts very effective you have to do the training split.
This will involve the training of one set of muscles for a day and then doing the same to another set the next day. It will help most of the muscles get a good rest so that they can grow well.
It could also be possible to group two or more muscles and then train them on a single day.
For instance you could easily train the shoulders and back today and then the thighs tomorrow. After this you could skip for a day and then train the legs and the chest. This way you would have offered an effective regime of training to the whole body in just a matter of three days. You could then take a rest for about one week.
All these muscle building workouts are very effective as well as helpful, but it will require some level of consistency in order to achieve the desired results.
Good luck and keep it up !
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Hi my name is Matt Craven and I'm a working class family man 33 years of
age who was very fit in my 20's but my lifestyle changed th...
11 years ago
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